Ancient Tamil describes the sound ''AA'' as something hidden mysteriously and ''THI'', a state of time. Aathi is a state or condition mysteriously hidden in the veil of time. Aathi also represents sacred flower holding the energy of Divine Incarnate and Divine Consciousness manifested on Earth. The sacred lotus radiating immaculate white with streaks of pink is a representation of the Divine Goddess, the primordial womb from where creation happened. Aditi, the void has no birth or death yet SHE is the source of all Creation. ''Aathi Mel Aditi, Srishthi'' is a clarion call from the Divine Mother, one who adorns the most beautiful flower of consciousness as the cause of Cosmic Creation.
She revealed herself as the silent void yet speaking in innumerable ways to sink in to her, to drink from her infinite source filling every molecule with love never experienced. A body which is still impure with ideas and engrams, needs and norms could only drink droplets. Those were the moments of her glorious presence, dissolving the personality in her infinity.One can't but share when the cup is filled, connecting to millions, sending forth a prayer that Aditi's love and light spread to every corner of Mother Gaia.
It is time to invoke her, to seek and bring forth the energy of Divine Feminine when world is torn between logic,reason,old ideas,limitations and shortcomings. Humanity has long forgotten it's original identity as Endlessness. It is a universal law, seek to receive, to experience, to become 'THAT IS'. In the Now I seek Aditi's Love and Grace to provide wings to these words that they fly far gently touching all those beings who are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually seeking a change in their lives personal and heralding the times of change.
Dear ones, make a visit to Aditi's darkness, her void, the womb where the light of wisdom await each one of us. The light that can bring about the transformation of a lifetime. Utter a prayer before sinking in to slumber to be there in her space which has no time and no space, which is nothingness but the path towards completeness. In to her vastness one can dissolve the hurdles of mind and absorb instead inspirited energy to walk further as seekers, away from falsehood. She is ever willing to embrace in the veil that unveils the darkness leading one to luminous possibilities.
May Aditi light the lamp in every seeker's heart.
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Aakasha Tatvam Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Soonya Shaktiye Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa AA Thi Shakthiye Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Eka Satyam Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Hiranyagarbham Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Aditya Matriye Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Srishthi Tatvam Namaha
Aum Aditi Swaroopa Tri Shakthiye Namaha
These mantras blossomed when the mind was lost in her radiance and presence. One can chant these or simply surrender a prayer to experience Mother Aditi, the eternal parent. May Aditi connect all those souls who are ready and willing to anchor her energy to bring forth, ''Aditi Yuga'' - The New Age of Love and expanded consciousness.